How to Use the Past to Change the Present & the Future!
“The past does not exist as a factual recounting of what happened, but as an experience that we are constantly recreating in our mind… which means we can use the past to change the present and the future!.”
~ Bill Crawford, PhD
The Neuroscience of Denial
“A life of denial can often be a form of self-delusion. . .What are we pretending not to know?!”
~ Ken Frogley
Training the Unconscious Brain
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life!”
~ Carl Jung
Who is Pushing Our Buttons?
“If buttons are to be pushed, let’s ensure we are doing the pushing, and the buttons represent what we want in ourselves and others.”
~ Bill Crawford, PhD
The Neuroscience of Exhaustion!
“Sustained exhaustion is not a sign of determination, it is a signal that we have depleted our resources, and are no longer able to function at our best.”
~ Bill Crawford, PhD
The Neuroscience of Avoidance
“When our purpose becomes avoidance, our life becomes a void.”
~ Bill Crawford, PhD
The Neuroscience of Stressful Situations
“Stress is a chemical reaction in our brain and body designed to prepare us for fight or flight. These chemicals do not exist in the situation but in us. No situation is “full of stress,” and therefore, there’s no such thing as a stressful situation.”
~ Bill Crawford, PhD
Stop Asking For Permission!
“Freedom isn’t about having permission to do whatever we want…it’s about having the courage to do whatever fills our life with meaning.”
~ Bill Crawford, PhD
The Problem with “Common Sense”
“That’s just common sense” is used by many to justify their perspective. However, how we “sense” or understand life varies greatly from individual to individual. Therefore, rather than needing to justify our “sense” as “common,” how about we just ensure that our perceptions are purposeful, and congruent with what we would recommend to someone we love?”
~ Bill Crawford, PhD