The 3 Rules Of Life!
This is another great saying/quote I found on Pinterest, and I have chosen it as this week’s selection because of how it encourages us not to just sit back and wait for life to happen. Let’s take the three rules one at a time to see how they may help us create the life we want.
Of course, if you were to ask most people whether they think it’s a good idea to go for what you want, ask, rather than just assuming the answer is no, and step forward when you don’t always want to be stuck in the same place, my guess is that they would say “Yes!” So, if this is something that we all agree is a good idea, why don’t we do it? Or, why do people not go for what is important to them, ask for what they want, and step forward when there is something they want to achieve?
I think the answer lies in our past and in our brain. When I say “our brain,” I mean how the middle brain (or limbic system) has learned to interpret asking or going for something that is important to us. In other words, for many, as a child, expressing a desire or drawing attention to ourselves by asking or going for what we want was truly dangerous. If we lived in an environment where the adults were unpredictable (or worse, predictably abusive) then there was true risk in stepping out and asking for what we wanted. And, because this middle brain is tasked with keeping us safe and alive as a specie, it tends to hold on to the memory of these problematic situations (and bring them to mind over and over again) thinking that it is keeping us safe. Unfortunately, it only keeps us timid or reluctant to risk going for what we want.
Therefore, I suggest we approach life not from a fear or worry-based perspective, but in a more purposeful way by doing what we would recommend to someone we love. In other words, I’m pretty confident that we would encourage those we care for to go for what’s important to them, ask, versus assuming the answer is no, and step forward so that they don’t stay stuck in the same place. If so, then we know what we want to practice, and we know that this purposeful practice will be driven by love versus fear.
If this is something you want me to help you (or your organization) with, feel free to contact me. My mission on the planet is to help people become as influential in their lives (and the lives of others) as possible, and I would love to help you step forward and go for what you want.
~ All the best, Dr. Bill